The blog

Dive into the 30 SOMETHING blog were both Imaan and lifestyle changes are the main topics of discussion. We all go through different phases in our life, shaping and holding ourselves to become the best likeable version of ourselves to oneself. But what if it isn’t just about self-love, having a healthy lifestyle, being comfortable in your own skin? What if it is all thanks to and in sign of a higher power? 


The blog

Dive into the 30 SOMETHING blog were both Imaan and lifestyle changes are the main topics of discussion. We all go through different phases in our life, shaping and holding ourselves to become the best likeable version of ourselves to oneself. But what if it isn’t just about self-love, having a healthy lifestyle, being comfortable in your own skin? What if it is all thanks to and in sign of a higher power? 


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SPF who?

In case I haven't mentioned it before, I love spring. Not only was I born in that season, I simply love the scenery of earth...

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Watermelon drips

About ten years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and my eyes were swollen because I had been crying during my...

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Seeds of Sabr

Last March I purchased a tree for the first birthday of my then kitten. I thought it would be nice for her to have a...

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In the mirror we see

I want to start off by saying: this blogpost will not resonate with everyone, nor does it have to. Not everything in this time and...

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A scar of truth

Being truthful. Gosh, simply writing it down makes it seem so easy. But what does it actually mean 'being truthful'; to oneself, to another, to...

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Bee you

I just poured myself a cold glass of milk and added a hint of mazaher (orange blossom water). Let me tell you, that combination is...

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Haunted House

We've been blessed with life far before one egg chose a specific cell and merged, far before our little hearts felt their first heartbeat. We've...

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There is a beauty in hearing the adhaan while traveling. The sound of the minaret echoing in the sky. Ears absorbing the beautiful sound of...

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Apotheosis. The highest or most perfect development of something. The apex, culmination, or climax. That's what I experienced in April 2022. For someone who has...

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Wedding bliss

"Allah y kemel belkhair, may God bless your marriage". Yes, wedding season has arrived and if your guest invitations haven't come in yet, I'm pretty...

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Modestly fashionable

There was nothing as dreadful as going shopping as a kid. Knowing my mom would spend hours in stores just to find me the right...

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Call me Gigi!

As a toddler I used to rock short pixie cuts as a hairstyle. Not sure if I had any say in the matter, but short...

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New year, vintage me

Ah, the exciting moment has arrived where celebrations are in order. 2022 has come to an end and although each year passes in a blink...

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How long have I got?

Let's face it, at 30 something you don't imagine yourself sitting in the office of your general practitioner to get, what could possible be, the...

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